Alpha 8.0 Changelog

Update 8.0 Changelog

- Added Alucard as a playable character
- Moves faster and jumps higher than Simon, but has less range with his sword
- Uses a different set of subweapons

All Characters
- Iframes and knockback amount changed when hit by an enemy
- Now takes damage from enemies
- When your hp is at 0, you die now

- Enemy spawn location is remembered when going into play mode

- Added Bible, an Alucard subweapon that moves around Alucard, creating pages that move in random directions
Rebound Stone
- Added Rebound Stone, an Alucard subweapon that bounces off walls
Flame Demon
- Added Flame Demon, an Alucard subweapon that moves forward
- Candles containing subweapons now drop based on current character

- Added a new background based on Symphony of the Night

- Added Dracula's Castle theme from Symphony of the night

- There are now two separate UIs for editing and playing
- Game starts out in editing mode
- Added a character select in the tab menu
- Buttons in the tab menu can only be clicked when the tab menu is open
- Added an icon for which subweapon you have
- Added a health bar

Files 13 MB
Feb 08, 2020

Get CastleMaker: Beta 1.0

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